Woodcraft Week 5: Summer Camp News

Jul 30, 2024

Week 5!

We start getting sentimental when week 5 rolls around because we know goodbyes are coming too soon. But let’s get right to the fun we’ve been having so you know what your campers have been up to!


Trail Campers split into two trip crews to cover land and water. Our hikers headed to the Seward Range and covered many miles on both marked and unmarked herd paths to summit Seward Mountain at 4,361ft, Donaldson Mountain at 4,140ft, Seymour Mountain at 4,120ft, and Mount Emmons at 4,040ft. They did a fantastic job climbing through rugged terrain and should feel very proud of their accomplishment! Our TC canoe trip set out on the Oswegatchie River and paddled upstream to Griffin Falls for their first night and then onward to High Falls where they set up camp again. TC counselor Kristian reported that it was one of the most beautiful routes he had ever paddled. He shared that the Trail Campers really enjoyed dialing in on their sternsmanship skills with the many opportunities to practice navigating around rocks & dams, and paddling through mild rapids.

Our Iriquois Village campers and counselors headed to Tirrell Pond for a two night hiking adventure. Weather did get in the way of hiking Blue Mountain, but the IV-ers got to work instead on strengthening their OLS skills while they were out in the Blue Mountain Wild Forest at the scenic location of the Tirrell Pond lean to. Rain or shine, Woodcraft trips always present great learning opportunities!

 A little closer to home, our youngest campers in the Hadarondah and Outpost Divisions combined forces for their overnight camping trip and set out on a hike to beautiful Cascade Lake. There is probably nothing cuter than seeing young Woodcrafters gearing up with packs about their own body size. But we never mistake their lesser vertical for less energy and commitment! The counselors reported that this crew did a fantastic job hiking in, setting up the campsite all on their own, and collecting tinder and wood to then build their campfire. We are very proud of their teamwork!

Before the weekend, we were able to send out two groups on rock climbing trips to King Philip’s Springs in Keene, NY. The Wenonah, Ranger, Aurora, IV campers, and OLTDs who chose to join thoroughly enjoyed the incredible opportunity to practice and improve their skills on real rock. The absolutely gorgeous weather was also amazing!

New trips out this week that you can expect to hear reports about soon: The Auroras split into one hiking and one canoeing trip, and the Wenonahs and Rangers are both out paddling on their own group trips. In addition, each one of our awesome OLTDs is assisting on a trip! Stay tuned for details.

Back at home: We’ve been busy having fun with all of our on-camp activities and of course our most recent Special Sunday: Halloween! Campers and counselors had many creative and hilarious ideas and skits for us. Old favorite games like the Sponge Toss (at counselors;), the Mystery Box, Wagon Rides, Hoop Toss, and Donuts on a String kept everyone busy before General Swim. To round out our week, we met at the Campfire Circle for all-camp campfire with just the right entertainment mix of skits, songs, and stories as the sun dipped, the fire crackled, and the moon rose.

Today is Tuesday and we had yummy enchiladas and a great salad bar for lunch. We’ve had a mostly gorgeous day with one big burst of rain so far to cool us down. Sunny, your campers’ Golden Retriever for the summer, wants you to know that she’s been checking in with absolutely everyone and that all of her campers are doing very well. It’s hard to say whether she likes lifeguarding for them at the waterfront or if she prefers the social time before meals when everyone is generous with ear scratches and belly rubs for her!

As we mentioned earlier, we do not want to think about goodbyes! But, we do want to be prepared for departures. Camper Departure by car is between 10am and 12pm on Sunday, August 11. If you need any help with transportation and you haven’t done so already, please reach out to doug(at)woodcraftcamps.com to coordinate.

Stay tuned for more news and as always, please reach out if we can be of help with any questions, or just to check in on your camper!

We send our best to you from your favorite summer camp,

Doug & Christina and the Woodcraft Staff Team


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