Summer Camp News from Woodcraft

Jul 01, 2024

Hi Parents,

We are so very happy to have our first session and full session campers with us. Yesterday’s schedule was filled with swim tests, canoe tip tests, choice activities and Woodcraft’s 100th Birthday Party Games! The Woodcraft kitchen crew treated us to a yummy pancake, bacon and fresh berries breakfast, a great salad bar and chicken & french fries for lunch, and fajitas for dinner. Birthday cake was of course in order for dessert and everyone got to skip around the room! Don’t worry, our second session campers will get the chance to celebrate as well! We really had a blast and concluded our day with our first full campfire of the season where we were treated to skits like “The Bigginator,” “The 8 o’clock News” and songs like “Hey there, Cool Cat” and “Landslide.” Definitely ask your campers about all of this when they return home!

Wishing you the very best from camp. I will continue to send updates and please be patient with us we wait for service to return.

Have a great day!

Christina & The Woodcraft Staff Team


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